The Alpha Trail & The Rock Sports Complex: A Divergent Yet Harmonious Mountain Biking Experience in Franklin, Wisconsin

7 mi
532 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#1228 place in the world
#3 place in the region
7 mi
532 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#1228 place in the world
#3 place in the region


The Alpha Trail, flanking the ski hill now known as The Rock Sports Complex, is an intriguing 7-mile loop that offers something for everyone, from thrill-seeking riders to contemplative nature enthusiasts. Though the area has undergone significant changes in recent years, it continues to beckon riders with its complex terrain and challenging ascents.

Getting There

This circuitous biking paradise is located in Franklin, Wisconsin. You can access the location through Google Maps via the following [link]( ridge, wi&hl=en&ll=42.92752,-88.017225&spn=0.035257,0.084972&sll=42.97437,-89.040692&sspn=0.008808,0.021243&hq=crystal ridge,&hnear=Wisconsin&t=m&fll=42.958935,-88.008385&fspn=0.140956,0.33989&z=14&iwloc=A).

Skill Level & Route Features

This trail is categorized as 'Difficult', requiring a level of skill and experience to navigate safely. A variety of riders have noted:

  • A tight singletrack winding through forest and ski hill
  • Several technical obstacles ideal for XC and beginner Technical trail riders
  • Varied terrain, from slippery rocks to smooth jumps

In terms of route type, it's essentially a loop but offers several intersecting trails, adding a 'network' feel to it.

Seasons & Conditions

  • Winter: Snow-covered trails can make the rocks slippery; extreme caution is advised.
  • Spring & Fall: Beware of erosion and muddy patches.
  • Summer: Optimal riding conditions, though some riders have reported a lack of adequate maintenance.

The Rock Sports Complex: An Added Bonus

Adjacent to the Alpha Trail is The Rock Sports Complex, a sports facility that has transformed the old Crystal Ridge ski hill into an enticing downhill course. It features green, blue, and black trails for riders of varying skill levels. A daily fee of $5 or a seasonal fee of $50 grants you access via an honor system drop box near the lodge. Note that the trails aren't very well-marked, so exercise caution.

Trail Deterioration and Community Hopes

There have been reports of trail erosion and lack of proper maintenance, which has somewhat marred the experience. Some locals express a desire for IMBA (International Mountain Biking Association) intervention to restore the trail to its former glory. It's clear that, with proper care, this trail has the potential to be one of the best in the Milwaukee area.

Final Thoughts

Despite its challenges, the Alpha Trail and the adjacent Rock Sports Complex provide a diverse range of experiences, making it an intriguing destination for mountain bikers in the Franklin area. Whether you're looking to improve your technical skills or simply escape into nature, this spot offers a plethora of opportunities. Just remember to ride responsibly and keep an eye out for sudden trail changes and signage.

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