Spirit Mountain Downhill Trails: An Adrenaline-Packed Journey in Duluth, Minnesota

3 mi
1,373 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3769 place in the world
#7 place in the region
3 mi
1,373 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3769 place in the world
#7 place in the region


Tucked away in the charming city of Duluth, Minnesota, Spirit Mountain offers some of the Midwest's most exhilarating downhill mountain biking trails. Spanning a total distance of 3 miles, these trails present a variety of terrains suitable for riders with intermediate skill levels. Since their inauguration in spring 2013, they've become the go-to hub for downhill biking in Minnesota, thanks in part to their well-designed features and the endorsement from COGGS (Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores) and IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association).

Trail Features

Here's a closer look at the individual trails within the Spirit Mountain biking network:

  • Candyland: This 1.5-mile beginner/intermediate trail is flowy, featuring large berms and table tops. Ideal for honing gravity-based biking skills.
  • Smorgasbord: A 1-mile trail with rock gardens, berms, and medium-sized jumps. It contains mandatory features like 3-4 foot gaps and a 5-foot drop, so be prepared.
  • Happy Camper: A unique, directional trail perfect for beginners but entertaining for experts. It serves as a downhill route when the chairlift operates and an uphill-only path otherwise.
  • Blaster: Reserved for experienced riders, this steep, technical single-track trail tests one’s mettle with its rocky, root-infused terrain.

Accessibility and Amenities

Getting There

For those unfamiliar with the area, the entrance is relatively straightforward. Take I-35 to Duluth and exit at 249. Head south on West Skyline Parkway and make a left onto Spirit Mountain Place, leading to the Spirit Mountain Chalet at 9500 Spirit Mountain Place.


The "Spirit Express II" Chairlift allows riders to effortlessly return to the trailhead, saving energy for more runs. The chairlift is particularly praised for enhancing the downhill experience.

Rider Testimonials

Riders laud the flow and design of the trails. For novices in downhill biking, Spirit Mountain has proven to be a welcoming ground for learning the ropes. Many have reported their experiences as "challenging yet fun," with a few tumbles along the way but always under the helpful watch of supportive trail staff.

Tips and Recommendations

  • Preparation: These trails will challenge your bike-handling skills. It's advised to wear proper gear and ensure your bike is in optimal condition.
  • Navigational Awareness: Although the trail marking has seen improvements, keep an eye out for signs and features to ensure you’re on the right track.
  • Weather Caution: Given the rocky terrain and steep inclines, avoid the trails during wet conditions to ensure safety.

If you’re in or around Duluth and looking for an adrenaline-packed biking experience, Spirit Mountain trails are worth every pedal stroke. With their diversity, flow, and natural beauty, they are indeed some of the "best flow trails in the Midwest."

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