Gear Grinder Trail: An Underrated Gem in Jamestown, North Dakota

12 mi
487 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2789 place in the world
#1 place in the region
12 mi
487 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2789 place in the world
#1 place in the region


Looking for an engaging experience, with trails that offer more than just a flat ride? Gear Grinder in Jamestown, North Dakota is worth a visit. Contrary to the perception that North Dakota is all about flat terrain, this intermediate-level loop trail offers a blend of technical downhills, short but steep climbs, and charming sections by Pipestem Creek. Located approximately three miles north of Jamestown, the trail system stretches across 12 miles, half of it on a single track and the rest on a mowed path.

How to Get There

  • Head north from Jamestown, ND on Highway 281 for roughly 3 miles.
  • Turn left when you see the green sign indicating "Pipestem Reservoir."
  • Continue for about 1 mile, and the trailhead will be on your left.

Trail Features

Varied Terrain

Gear Grinder boasts diverse terrains that cater to various skill levels. Beginners can find solace in the first 4-mile outer loop, while the next 8 miles offer a richer experience for the advanced riders.

Natural Beauty

Riding through wooded sections that blend seamlessly with open meadows provides a unique visual experience. Moreover, the ride alongside Pipestem Creek makes for an incredible setting, and it's usually the highlight of the trip for many cyclists.

Technical Features

The trail offers a mix of natural obstacles, from round rocks to twisty single tracks in the trees. While the loop is predominantly a mowed path, it evolves into a fun, twisty single track, particularly through the wooded areas.

Trail Conditions and Tips

  • Trail Markings: Some riders have mentioned that the trail isn't very well-marked. Staying alert is advisable.
  • Pest Alert: Bug spray is essential. Insect activity can be quite intense, especially during the warmer months.
  • Weather: The trail is largely unshaded, so on hot days, sunscreen is a must.

Rider Comments and Tips

  • "Several fun sections of winding downhill sweeps. Beware the big rocks hiding in the overgrown grass on some downhill sections."
  • "For tired legs, the outer loop is more approachable with some long steep drops and a bit of climbing."
  • "Trail takes you in and out of the trees then back up the hill and down again, featuring at least 10 big climbs."


With its unique blend of steep climbs, technical downhills, and natural beauty, Gear Grinder offers an experience that is both challenging and enjoyable. So if you're passing through North Dakota, this trail is more than worth the pit stop for a ride that could very well be the highlight of your journey.

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