Lone Wolf

2 mi
82 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#1164 place in the world
#3 place in the region
2 mi
82 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#1164 place in the world
#3 place in the region

Conquering the Technical Terrain: Lonewolf Shelter Loop in Ballwin, Missouri

Quick Facts

  • Distance: 2 miles
  • Level: Difficult
  • Route type: Loop
  • City: Ballwin
  • State: Missouri


The Lonewolf Shelter Loop in Ballwin, Missouri, is not for the faint-hearted. This 2-mile technical trail serves as a heart-pumping gauntlet for skilled riders. With its steep climbs and technical descents, the trail promises a challenging but rewarding biking experience.

Getting There

For those eager to take on this daredevil's paradise, the trail starts behind the Lonewolf shelter, an easily identifiable landmark in the park.

Trail Features

  • A steep climb at the start in the counter-clockwise direction
  • A technical descent at the end when riding clockwise
  • Sustained climbing on loose, rocky ground
  • Downhill sections featuring switchbacks and exposed roots
  • Historic scenery and overlooks at the top of the bluff

The Ride Experience

The initial climb makes it immediately apparent whether one's cardio is up to snuff. Roughly three-quarters of a mile of strenuous uphill battle welcomes the rider at the onset. The rocky terrain adds an extra layer of complexity to this lung-busting ascent. After this steep section, another sustained climb of approximately a mile follows, levelling off just enough to catch your breath.Once the climbing ordeal is conquered, riders are rewarded with a downhill section that is nothing short of exhilarating. Featuring tight switchbacks, a smattering of exposed roots, and a brief but engaging technical rock section, the descent offers a satisfying payoff for the uphill struggle. As an added bonus, the trail also features a couple of downed trees that serve as natural hurdles to hop over, adding an element of surprise.

Savor the View

Besides its physical challenges, the Lonewolf Shelter Loop is rich in scenic beauty. At the top of the bluff, a stunning overlook offers views of the river, inviting riders to pause and soak in the landscape. Indeed, the historical scenery adds an extra layer of enjoyment to this technically demanding ride.

Final Thoughts

For those looking for a ride that challenges both skill and stamina, the Lonewolf Shelter Loop is a must-try. Its technically demanding nature, combined with steep climbs and fun descents, provides a full-bodied biking experience that rewards as much as it challenges. Despite its modest distance of 2 miles, the trail packs enough variety and technicality to leave even seasoned riders gasping for air and thirsting for more.

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