Exploring the Indian Creek Loop: A Trail Review for Adventurous Cyclists

29 mi
1,089 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3100 place in the world
#3 place in the region
29 mi
1,089 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#3100 place in the world
#3 place in the region

Introduction: An Off-road Challenge Awaits

For cyclists yearning for a mixed bag of terrains, a variety of views, and some heart-pounding elevation, the Indian Creek Loop near Waterton Canyon, Colorado offers it all. With a total distance of 29 miles—17 miles of which are off-road—this is not a ride to be taken lightly. However, the challenge comes with an invaluable payoff: scenic forest views, thrilling descents, and a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

Trail Details: What to Expect

  • Start and End Points: Waterton Canyon
  • Total Distance: 29 miles
  • Off-road Distance: 17 miles
  • Elevation Gain: Significant
  • Map: Trails Illustrated Map #135 for Deckers and Rampart Range
  • Difficulty: Moderate to Hard

Starting Off: Waterton Canyon to the Dam

The ride starts and ends with a 6-mile stretch on the gravel road through Waterton Canyon. The trail picks up in earnest as you reach the dam, transitioning into a fire road which eventually morphs into singletrack—marking the beginning of the Colorado Trail. Expect a continuous climb for another mile until a trail spur on the left initiates a series of intense ascents.

The Split: Choosing Your Adventure

As you come across a trail intersection, you'll find a choice between returning to Waterton or scaling uphill toward the Indian Creek Loop. The next half-mile is another steep climb to the ridgeline, followed by gentler rolling hills.

Navigating Intersections: Trailside Decisions

A quick, steep descent will bring you to a T intersection. If you head left into Stevens Gulch, prepare for a fun, fast descent back towards Roxborough Loop. Veering right continues the journey towards the Indian Creek campground—your mid-way point. After reaching the creek bed, the trail meanders uphill alongside the creek, leading you through scenic forests.

Refresh and Recharge: Midway Point Amenities

Once at the Indian Creek campground, potable water and latrines are available. Refill and gear up for another series of climbs.

Homeward Bound: Toward Roxborough State Park

Descending from the fire road is mostly fast and fun, although several oddly-spaced speed bumps may pose a hazard if not navigated carefully. Near Roxborough State Park, the trail turns into some delightful singletrack, which eventually leads to another tough climb. The descent back to Waterton Canyon is a thrilling downhill ride through a dusty chute with loose rocks.

Pro Tips and Cautions

  • Maps: Always carry a map. The Trails Illustrated Map #135 is highly recommended.
  • Speed Bumps: Watch out for speed bumps near Roxborough State Park. They are dangerously angled and can cause accidents.
  • Trail Conditions: This trail has narrow and overgrown sections, especially near the creek.
  • Equestrian Alert: This is a multi-use trail; be prepared to yield to horses.

Final Thoughts

Indian Creek Loop offers a challenging yet rewarding experience. With its variety of terrains and some punishing climbs, this trail is ideal for those seeking a day-long biking adventure.

Getting There

Drive south on Wadsworth Blvd, past C470, for about 3 miles. Turn left onto Waterton Rd; the parking lot is about 100 yards from the intersection.Enjoy the ride, and don't forget to pack your sense of adventure!Note: Trail conditions and access points can change, so it's advisable to check local sources for the most current information.

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