The Trailblazers' Gem: A Comprehensive Guide to Charlotte's Intermediate Loop

7 mi
283 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2217 place in the world
#2 place in the region
7 mi
283 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#2217 place in the world
#2 place in the region


  • Distance: 7 miles
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Loop
  • Location: Charlotte, North Carolina

Biking enthusiasts, prepare to meet your match with a 7-mile loop that has it all: from flowy segments and wooden features to technically challenging sections. Hidden three miles away from the intersection of I-485 and Hwy 16, this trail provides an experience every mountain biker can appreciate.

Getting There

Navigate your way to Charlotte by taking Providence Road South from I-485. A swift right turn onto McKee Road will lead you to the first light. Take another right onto Weddington Road; the park entrance will greet you within half a mile.

The Trail's Many Faces

  • Green Loop: For beginners seeking an introduction to trail riding.
  • Blue Loop: A more intricate trail that offers a balanced challenge.
  • Black Loop: Intense, filled with jumps and wooden structures.
  • Pump Trail: Near the tennis courts, this track is all about rhythm and speed.

The trail, well-maintained by the Trailblazers, can be segmented into various loops based on your skill level. Whether you're looking for some mild technical challenges or smooth, winding sections, this trail has you covered. To maximize enjoyment, it’s advisable to run the course multiple times, especially to commit the location of jumps and turns to memory.

Riding Impressions

  • Technical Elements: A range of features from rooted sections to wooden jumps.
  • Flow: Designed for a satisfying, rhythmic riding experience.
  • Signage: Some parts of the trail are not well-marked, leading to minor confusion.

The trail offers an eclectic mix of features that keep riders on their toes. The segments have enough variation to keep everyone entertained, though not overwhelmed. The only drawback? The trail features several unmarked junctions that can create minor detours for those unfamiliar with the layout.

User Feedback and Tips

  • Watch out for loose sand on various parts of the trail.
  • The Pump Trail, located near the tennis courts, is roughly 0.10 miles long.
  • Expect hikers, dog walkers, and families; it's a multi-use trail.

Final Verdict

For a trail that has everything from diverse terrains to interactive features, this Charlotte loop is hard to beat. Ideally suited for intermediate riders, it offers an array of challenges without being intimidating. Despite the small confusion arising from some unmarked areas, the trail's overall makeup provides ample opportunity for skill development and, most importantly, a fun riding experience. Make a day of it, and you'll see why this trail has quickly become a favorite among Charlotte’s biking community.

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