Clemmer Trail: Ocoee's Elevating Delight

4 mi
1,529 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#627 place in the world
#4 place in the region
4 mi
1,529 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#627 place in the world
#4 place in the region


Nestled in the charming city of Ocoee, Tennessee, the Clemmer Trail offers both a workout and a reward. Bikers should be prepared for a rigorous ascent followed by a thrilling descent. With varying terrains and captivating views, this trail promises to engage both the heart and the soul.

Trail Specifications

  • Distance: 4 miles
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Network
  • Location: Ocoee, Tennessee

Experience the Climb

  • A substantial gain of nearly a thousand feet of elevation.
  • A stretch of about 3-3.5 miles of continuous uphill.
  • Terrains range from smooth singletrack to wider doubletrack.
  • Surfaces alternate between loose, gravelly paths to those with hardpack dirt and stretches of rock.

Navigating the Trail

Starting straight out from the parking lot, bikers are immediately greeted with an uphill challenge. The climb isn't just about elevation: expect varying trail widths and surface materials. From loose gravel to sandstone and granite, this climb keeps things interesting. Play stones punctuate the way up, offering spots for technical challenges and moments of fun.The peak offers a change of scenery with hardpack dirt, sand, and rock sections. Stream crossings, while a delight when tackled at speed, demand attention to avoid any mishaps.

Getting There

To dive into this adventure:

  1. Drive West from Ducktown on US 74 for approximately 16 miles.
  2. Make a right turn onto TN 30.
  3. Immediately on the left, the trailhead awaits eager bikers.

Rider Insights

  • "The trail's initial miles present a challenge with road rocks, but as one progresses, the terrains shift, with sandstone, granite, and larger rocks to tackle. The downhill ride, while exhilarating, might not be as adrenaline-pumping as Thunder Rock Express."
  • "Prepare for a tough climb, but the peak offers playful stream crossings and links to other trails that are less taxing. The descent is pure joy!"
  • "Uphill might be a bit demanding, but it's all worth it for the thrilling downhill. Classify this trail as blue considering its aerobic challenge and exposure."


Ocoee's Clemmer Trail captures the essence of mountain biking with its captivating ascents, thrilling descents, and engaging terrains. It's a trail that might demand some grit on the way up but ensures bikers are rewarded with unmatched joy on their way down. A must-try for those seeking a balanced biking experience in Tennessee's picturesque landscapes.

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