Bobcat Ridge

4 mi
1,585 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#1491 place in the world
#1 place in the region
4 mi
1,585 ft
Elevation gain
Route type
#1491 place in the world
#1 place in the region

Bobcat Ridge Trails, Masonville: An Alpine Experience in Colorado's Front Range

Overview: Nature’s Diversity on Two Wheels

Tucked into the scenic landscapes of Masonville, Colorado, the Bobcat Ridge Trails beckon cyclists of varying skill levels to embrace a unique biking experience. With a trail length of 4 miles and an intermediate difficulty rating, riders are guaranteed a mix of serene nature, thrilling descents, and opportunities for contemplative breaks.

Trail Description and Features

At the outset from the parking lot, a right turn at the shelter establishes the trail's counter-clockwise progression, ensuring that switchbacks are favorably positioned on uphill sections. This configuration offers:

  • Ease with a Twist: Apt for novices but sufficiently diverse to challenge seasoned riders. If likened to skiing, it's more demanding than a typical green run but falls just shy of the blue category.
  • Historical & Natural Interludes: A preserved cabin beckons for quiet admiration, while evidence of a past camper-induced fire serves as a somber reminder of nature's fragility.
  • Configurable Experience: The loop boasts a strategically located cutoff in its upper third. This offers riders options to craft a figure-8 path, a lollipop, or a shorter loop. Yet, the overall charm and thrill of the trail make most question the idea of truncating the experience.

Getting There

To dive into this cycling adventure:

  • Start at 287 & Eisenhower in Loveland and venture west for 6.4 miles till CR-27.
  • Take a right, heading north for 4.7 miles till reaching CR-32c.
  • A left here and a half-mile drive leads riders to the parking lot.

Rider Insights and Tips

Reviews from fellow cyclists present a vivid picture:

  • Bobcat Ridge's Distinction: It's heralded as Northern Colorado's pinnacle for technical riding, particularly when coupled with the Ginny Trail descent.
  • Ginny Trail's Lure: This segment is celebrated for its technical challenges, but it requires both stellar climbing skills and adeptness at technical descents. Its alpine feel at the summit is unparalleled locally.
  • Valley Loop's Versatility: A delight for novices and pros alike, this segment urges repeated laps, varying line approaches, and times oneself for fun.
  • Seasonal Tips: Given its relatively lower elevation, this trail remains accessible in early and late seasons. However, summer rides demand ample water due to the direct sun. Early morning rides are advised to counter the heat.

Trail Details at a Glance

  • Distance: 4 mi
  • Difficulty Level: Intermediate
  • Route Type: Loop
  • Location: Masonville, Colorado

Concluding Remarks

Bobcat Ridge Trails, with their diverse offerings, await every cycling enthusiast. From serene nature views to heart-pumping challenges and historical pauses, the trails promise an experience worth the ride. Just be watchful of the natural hurdles - from snakes in summer to the remains of past fires. Prepare well, and embark on a journey through one of Masonville's gems.

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