American River Confluence Trails

7 mi
1,713 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#2403 place in the world
#6 place in the region
7 mi
1,713 ft
Elevation gain
Point to point
Route type
#2403 place in the world
#6 place in the region

The Confluence Trail: A Ride for the Adventurous, Not the Novice


Situated beneath the iconic Forest Hill Bridge near the city of Cool, The Confluence Trail offers an exhilarating mix of speed, challenge, and scenic beauty. This 7-mile, point-to-point trail is located just outside of Auburn, California. Although accessible and relatively well-traveled, this trail is not for everyone—especially those new to mountain biking.

How to Get There

  • From Auburn: Take Hwy 49 down toward the American River.
  • Arrival Point: When reaching the confluence where Hwy 49 turns right toward the town of Cool, continue straight for another 200 yards.
  • Parking: Available along the left side of the road.
  • Trailhead: Positioned just before the bridge on the left.

Trail Experience

The Uphill Battle

Despite the trail's intermediate level classification, the initial 2 to 2.5-mile climb is not to be underestimated. A combination of paved and dirt roads, the climb may leave the unprepared or less fit riders catching their breath. Once upon a time, this climb used to intimidate even experienced riders; today, it serves as a rite of passage for those committed to the sport.

The Downhill Thrill

The reward for conquering the climb is a 4-mile downhill section featuring both flow and technical elements. This segment is described as an "absolute blast" by seasoned cyclists. A series of well-maintained berms make the switchbacks a true delight to navigate. However, some rocky portions near cliff edges may pose a challenge, making the trail less suitable for beginners.

Unique Features

  • The Tunnel: A dark, mysterious tunnel adds a touch of the unique to your ride.
  • Viewpoints: Various vantage points along the trail offer captivating views, especially on the downhill and some climbing segments.

Time Commitment

The average ride time for The Confluence Trail is about 45 minutes, although faster cyclists claim to complete it in under 40 minutes. For those seeking a more extended session, consider linking up with the Culvert and Connector Trails or even the Foresthill Divide Loop for a day-long cycling adventure.

Expert Comments

The trail is generally dry and dusty during the summer but remains a popular choice among the biking community. If you're new to biking, there are other trails in the area better suited for beginners. For the more experienced, this trail is a 'must-ride', offering a combination of challenges and thrills that make every pedal stroke worthwhile.


The Confluence Trail offers a cycling experience that appeals to thrill-seekers and nature lovers alike. While not ideal for beginners due to its challenging uphill climb and technical sections, it offers an exhilarating journey for those capable and willing to take it on. So, pack up your gear, set your GPS for Auburn, and prepare for a ride that you won't soon forget.

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